Apr 01 2007


Published by rmeht at 12:16 pm under news

Riporto integralmente dalle news ufficiali di Scene.Org

This morning, there was a burglary-attempt at the Hogeschool Rotterdam. Apparently, several people attempted to breach the security door and make their way out of the main server room with servers belonging to the Dutch schools administrators. In the process, several of the racks where ripped open in an effort to get to the servers quickly enough, and unfortunately, our main archive seem to have been thrown to the floor and partly broken. We are working on getting it back online, but so far none of the disks have responded with proper data. The webserver resides on a different machine, so the website is still running, but you will not be able to download any files until we get this sorted out. The backup server was in the same rack and is also being looked at. So far, it does not look good.

Certo che, una bella notizia cosi, proprio il primo giorno del mese… :(

[edit postumo: se non l’avevate capito, era un pessie dapriiile eh]

5 Responses to “SCENE.ORG - VANDALISMO :(”

  1. DelilahNo Gravataron 01 Apr 2007 at 1:25 pm

    E’ il primo aprile. Aspetto domani per crederci :)

  2. rmehtNo Gravataron 01 Apr 2007 at 1:27 pm

    diffidente chessei… *cough*

  3. broderickNo Gravataron 01 Apr 2007 at 3:42 pm

    Delilah: speriamo… dopo ojuice ci mancherebbe solo questo … O_o

  4. rmehtNo Gravataron 01 Apr 2007 at 3:44 pm

    io propongo di chiudere anche scene-it dai…
    oppure di mettere come sfondo un faccino editato di delilah hahaha -.-”

  5. MakcNo Gravataron 01 Apr 2007 at 4:55 pm

    se è uno scherzo, è di cattivo gusto… cmq pare che funzionino i dl…